Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Marshall County, Alabama Meso

This is a brief time lapse video I took Friday April 11, 2008 of a mesocyclone that was producing two separate EF0 tornadoes 6-10 miles to the north of my location while I was filming. You cannot see them in this video due to the small size of the tornadoes, the distance, and the rain.


Dewdrop said...

Great video, Mike! Was that wall cloud rotating in the wrong direction, or is that my imagination?? I love time lapse.

Mike Wilhelm said...

Part of it does look that way. I wonder if that is an illusion. Maybe it's some of the clouds on the outside edges moving along with the mean flow while the interior clouds are rotating counter clockwise?

Michael said...

Thanks for sharing Mike!

Dewdrop said...

Doesn't seem like an illusion, Mike. Must be multidirectional shear, huh? Cool capture.

Mike?! Meso Mike?! Wow, he does know how to use a computer! Welcome. ;O)

Mike Wilhelm said...

Thanks for the comments y'all. And I'm glad to see you back online Mike. Let's get posting now, y'hear! LOL

Anonymous said...

Great post..It is very attractive to look at those rotating wall of clouds..They are simply amazing to look out for while forming..Nice capture..interesting..