Friday, March 7, 2008

A storm for Jay...

Will Jay be able to intercept...?


Jay Reid said...

Absolutely zero. No visible cloud structure, almost all stratus. Like gray icing on a (upside) cake. Nothing to see here people, move along.

Like Dew said, go to Lake City...

Anonymous said...

Dewvoid........(evil laugh)

Dewdrop said...

Sorry it was a bust for you, Jay. I wish I could have gone down to Lake City for damage assessment...

Rick... I know that's you.... let it die.

Wayfarer said...

Wow your good....(Its like you know)..

Meteorologist Chris Spears said...

Hi dewdrop, no I don't storm chase but I am friends/acquaintances with some. (Tony Laubach, Tim Samaras, Roger Hill, Verne Carlson). Yes I live in Denver. Thanks for reading my blog!

Anonymous said...

Cool blog!!